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Migrate instances across Environments

  • October 24, 2023
  • 6 replies
Migrate instances across Environments
Christian Hauggaard
Community Manager

TimeXtender supports multiple environment deployments that allow developers to create separate environments for development, testing, and production. These environments can be comprised of separate instances that can then be related to one another.

This article clarifies the steps to configure and and utilize these environments as follows: 

  1. Create the development, test, and production environments.
  2. Add separate instances to each of the environments.
  3. Edit an environment.
  4. Delete an environment.
  5. Perform Instance migrations between instances to promote changes to a higher environment.


Adding a New Environment

Before you add environments, it's a good idea to add your instances. While you can always add and remove instances from environments, it saves you a bit of time if you can include all the relevant instances in the environment when you create it.

The Instances menu is where you can do this.

When a instance have been created but not added to an environment it will be shown as Uncategorized Instances.

Add a new environment

  1. Navigate to Data estate > Instances and click Add new environment
  2. Name the environment and select the instances to include in the environment
  3. Click add to add it.

An alternate method for adding or removing instances is to use Drag and Drop to move the instances to and from the Environment. 


When you hover over an instance, you will see six squares icon on the left side which you can click. When you do that you can drag it to the instance where you want to add it

Edit an environment

You can edit environments after they have been made by clicking on the edit icon. Doing so will give an menu where you need to choose the environment to edit.

Choosing one will show the same menu as creating an environment, the only difference is the name of the menu as it is now called Edit environment.

Delete an environment

You can delete an environment as well. You do so by clicking on the Delete icon and choosing the environment you want to delete and clicking the Delete Environment button.

When an instance is deleted, you will see that the instances will be shown in the Uncategorized Instances area.

Migrate Instances

When you migrate an instance, you move the metadata in the instance to another instance, making the destination instance a copy of the source instance. This enables you to move work through multiple environments from development to production, you can only migrate an instance to another instance of the same type, but the instances don't have to be part of different environments. The flow is slightly different when you migrate between Ingest instances compared to Prepare and Deliver instances. More on that below.

Note: You cannot migrate to an instance that has never been opened in TimeXtender Data Integration since the metadata structure is created when the instance is first opened.

To promote changes from one instance to another, navigate to Migrations select the arrow next to the instance containing the changes that are to be promoted, and then select the target instance to promote to.

  1. Select the destination instance in the To field. This is the same no  matter what Instance type you migrate. The difference is what you point at.
  2. For Ingest instances, the second step is to map the data sources.
  3. When migrating prepare instances, the second step is to map the Source Ingest instance and the Target Ingest Instance.
  4. When migrating Deliver instances, the second step is to map the endpoints.


  5. Add a comment on what is to be transferred.
  6. Finally you can verify what changes are to be done.

When you click Migrate the process will be added to the queue and the instance will show the following icon.

Undoing a migration (Prepare and Deliver)

When you migrate a Prepare or Deliver instance, it creates a new version in the "to" instance with the content of the "from" instance. If you need to undo the transfer, you can use the standard version system in TimeXtender Data Integration to go back to a previous version.

To open an instance as the previous version and make it the latest version, follow the steps below:

  1. Open TimeXtender Data Integration, right-click the "to" instance, and click Open Version... to open the Select Version window.
  2. In the list, click on the previous version and click OK.
  3. You can only save an instance if it has unsaved changes. Make an inconsequential change like renaming a table and then renaming it back, then click File > Save. A warning message - "You are about to save an earlier version of the instance as the latest version" - will appear. 



Warning: During the migration, the instances involved will be unavailable when data is being copied. Make sure that the instances are not being used for scheduled executions or development work during the transfer to prevent data loss or corrupted data.

Missing configuration when migrating instance

Make sure both source and target instances have similar mapped data source connections to proceed with the migration.

Target instance has not been initialized when migrating instance

Open TimeXtender and then open the target instance to initialize the instance. Then navigate back to the TimeXtender portal and migrate the instance.


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6 replies


Great stuff. The ODX transfer worked flawlessly, however we are getting an error on the MDW transfer: - MDW repository version not supported -. We are on version 6346.1. I guess we need to upgrade for this functionality?

Thomas Lind
Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1017 replies
  • October 25, 2023

Hi @Bitmetric_Maarten 

You need to upgrade all instances before starting this. So open the new version and open each instance in the environment. Once the upgrades are applied it should work.

Problem Solver
  • Problem Solver
  • 222 replies
  • November 13, 2023

Hi @Christian Hauggaard 

I’ve open a support ticket because this aproach doesn’t works with only one ODX instance like in previous versions.

In my case it’s a BIG PROBLEM


Christian Hauggaard
Community Manager

Hi @rvgfox I believe you are referring to the fact that you cannot add one ODX instance to more than one environment, correct? If so please note that this is not necessary as you will still be able to map one ODX to multiple DW instances in different environments, and therefore one ODX can still be shared and used across multiple environments. Please let me know if you have some follow up questions

Problem Solver
  • Problem Solver
  • 222 replies
  • November 14, 2023

Hi @Christian Hauggaard obviously it must allow only one ODX, but in my case it doesn’t works.

I’ve copied from DEV to PROD several times using the “copy to instance” in the Desktop previous version.


Problem Solver
  • Problem Solver
  • 222 replies
  • November 21, 2023

I think that the process must show messages to know what it’s doing.


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