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The use of PBI semantic models require to use XMLA endpoint, that’s mean that we need a Power Bi PPU license. That it’s ok.

The question it’s why not use the deployment pipelines feature in PBI PPU?

The principal problem that I found it’s that it’s not possible to parametrize the data source conections to use correctly this feature.

Somebody has experience in this topic?

Our Product Team is looking into the implementation and support of multiple environments (dev, test, prod, etc.) within the next generation of TimeXtender (v 6xxx). Exactly how this would look like, and what underlying technologies would be involved, is yet to be determined. In the meantime, please see the following guide of how a simple multiple environment setup can be achieved by manually copying instances:


Yes, but I’m thinking in how to use the deployment pipelines feaure in PBI PPU to manage the development of reports that connect to data set developed with TX...

I’ve tested the pipelines in PBI and it works:


And it’s possible to define rules in the data sets to replace the data source based on the environment...
