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Good Day,

I have setup a Perspective in TimeXtender (v20.10.39.64) and it includes 3 tables and a Tabular cube. When I go to deploy this perspective from DEV to QA, the tables are listed in the deploy tasks but not the cube.

I tried the following fix but this did not resolve the issue:

  1. Remove Tabular cube from perspective
  2. Save TX Project
  3. Re-add Tabular cube to Perspective
  4. Save TX Project
  5. Deploy TX Project
  6. Multi Environment Transfer

Has anyone ever run into this issue before?

I am going to try to add a new perspective to see if this resolves the issue but it worries me for promotes going forward that objects maybe missing on my deployment/promotes.


Hi @kerry_bespoke ,


I have not run into this myself, but checking in 20.10.40 I can see that when right-clicking a Perspective (whether it is active or not) you are never even shown any Semantic Model or Endpoint items. When you use Review Tasks to see what a Differential Deploy suggests you can usually override TimeXtender's choice and add things. But in this case only OLAP and Exports are shown as options:

You can still get the Semantic Models and Endpoints from the Project level, but that means extra thinking and checking. In my opinion this is not correct.

For Executions this does work as you would expect.


I've had the same issue when working with the semantic models. This is very annoying.

@Thomas Lind , is this the way that TX is supposed to work? Not accounting for the semantic models when differentials and managed deploying?


Are you deploying specifically a perspective after transferring it between environments?

That will give issues, you need to use the Deploy Differential option instead. You can’t decide to only deploy a perspective as it will give potential issues with the other environment. When you transfer a project you are transferring the whole thing not only the changes.

@Thomas Lind 

Thank you for your response.

We used to use the differential deployment, but we have multiple developers working on the project in TimeXtender and found that we were promoting objects that were not ready to go into QA.

We thought that the Perspective promote maybe the best alternative as we were able to select just the objects we wanted to promote. 

We have also tried to use guarding on deployment with the differential promote but not all objects in a TX project can be guarded so this is not an option.

We need a solution to being able to only partially promote project objects within TimeXtender if Perspective Promotes are not an option.

Hi @Thomas Lind ,

"You can’t decide to only deploy a perspective as it will give potential issues with the other environment. When you transfer a project you are transferring the whole thing not only the changes.” the whole project transfer is why you want to limit what gets deployed on later environments in your DTAP setup to avoid unfinished work from getting promoted or only being able to promote once all work has been finished.

Obviously if the differential deploy of a perspective ignores semantic models and endpoints, this won't work. But I cannot see how that behaviour is intentional.


When you deploy a perspective it will not always only be the perspective that gets deployed. I had a ticket back in the day regarding this. It would pull in all tables that were “dirty” not only the tables that was in the perspective. So even if it has other issues as you mention, it will not work for what you suggest.

I replicated it like so.

I made a change in each of my two perspectives and deployed it.

I transferred that to the Test environment and attempted to deploy only the Shoes perspective with this setup.

That made it attempt to deploy the following.

If I decided to uncheck the Managed Deployment option it looked like this.

I can see what you mean about it not getting the OLAP and Semantic models added.

Hi Thomas,

is the behaviour the same if you do not use the Environment Transfer tool to do the Deploy? I always log in directly to the other environment because there have traditionally been issues with deployment from the environment transfer tool that were hard to reliably replicate and therefore get resolved.


It should work better doing that, but I think I found the issue, so I have made a internal case for that.


@Thomas Lind  thank you for your input on this. 

So, until the internal case is reviewed at TX, are we saying if I am deploying from DEV to QA, this worked better if I run the Deploy from QA and not DEV after Transferring the project?

Hey @kerry_bespoke, From what I can tell this issue doesn’t have anything to do with multiple environments. It looks like TimeXtender simply does not recognize semantic models when deploying a perspective. We have sent this to our product team will get back to you shortly on if this is expected behavior. 

For now, just be sure to manually include your semantic models when promoting environments. 

Hi @kerry_bespoke 

Joseph is correct, I just randomly found an issue with deploying in the project on the test server, but no I would just use the Differential Deployment option and the exclude the tables not relevant for deploying.

Or I would use the option with deploying the perspective and then afterwards deploy the semantic model that it missed.

I would not deploy a perspective through the environment transfer menu due to reasons explained above.


@JTreadwell Thank you Joseph!

In our change requests we list the objects to be promoted, I have asked the IT Operations team to check this list and manually select the semantic models on deployment.

@JTreadwell I see this was fixed in version 20.10.44 released yesterday. Thank you to you and your team for a quick turn around on this! 

So happy to hear it!. Thank you @kerry_bespoke for your engagement here in the community! 
