One disadvantage of having multiple smaller models is that you can't re-use dimensions across your models. Creating the same date dimension for the umpteenth time gets a bit tedious
It also makes it impossible to combine data from different sources, e.g. finance & HR which could be useful to have inside one model.
Regarding 2: you can define perspectives inside your tabular model to help your end users find what they need (depends on your AS license though).
Hi @jyothi.dosi,
I agree on the points mentioned by @rory.smith. I would advise creating multiple Semantic Models. It is hard to add Row Level Security when you have multiple fact tables because you need to take into account the different filter directions on relations.
Creating multiple smaller Semantic Models is faster and easier to maintain.
One thing to add: It is possible to create perspectives in the Semantic Model. This enables hiding tables. Users can connect to a specific perspective that only contains the tables needed. Unfortunately it is not possible to add security based on perspectives.
Good to mention: Perspectives are only available in SQL Server Enterprise or Azure Analysis Services Standard pricing tier.
Hi @jyothi.dosi can you please help us by marking a best answer above? If you have any follow up questions please let us know
Thanks for the reply. I am going ahead with smaller semantic models.