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I have a client that works extensively with multiple SAAS applications and are looking to use their MDW as a central distribution hub to integrate the various SAAS applications.

So I am exploring the new Semantic Model REST API Endpoint and I need guidance on the Web Server setup and configuration.

I have seen the community post created by Thomas Lind “REST API Endpoint” but these details are missing from this article.

I want to use Azure web server. I assume that I need to create a Web App in Azure, but I am stumbling around in the dark here. Can anyone offer any advice, guidelines on how to setup a simple web server in Azure that I can configure for TX? This is just for testing and POC, not production use. Trying to get a sense of how it all works.

There are too many options to consider, should I use Linux, Windows, install the database? So if someone could provide a guide for “Here is a cheap and cheerful Azure Web App” that with work with the TX Rest API Endpoint that would be awesome!

Thanks all!

Hi @Paul McLeod Bespoke Analytics 

Did you read this?

I am not sure if it is even possible currently. The old text mentions that you can install something in Azure that would make it possible, but I don’t think just setting up a Azure Web Server is enough, you would still need to install something made by us that connects to your data. 

So if you want to use this you will have to use the method explained in the guide. You already have a TimeXtender Ingestion Service Server (New name for the ODX Server), that would be an existing server you could set it up on with little effort.

Hey Thomas, thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

I read through the article and others a few times and never picked up that there was an additional web server component that needed to be added. I will read through the article again. I did notice that when I tried to create the endpoint in the portal that there was a link to add a web server, but I assumed that it would be some sort of navigation dialog to configure a web server URL address.

So to download the web server component do I just follow the link on the portal? There is definitely an VM that we can install an web server on for the POC.

Hi @Paul McLeod Bespoke Analytics 

When I set it up on my Laptop, not exactly an server I know, I installed the ASP.Net Core Hosting bundle and downloaded the program from here

I set up my server like so.

Then I ran the tool I downloaded

Then I could got to https://localhost/REST to see my data. Due to me using a laptop, I have to run the configuration tool every time I want it to be found.

Sweet! Thanks Thomas, that is really helpful. I will give that a try and see how it comes out!

Hi @Paul McLeod Bespoke Analytics 

Good, let me know how it goes. If you get stuck we can look at it together.
