this feature is meant to expose the dataset in your SSL / Deliver instance via a REST API hosted by an IIS instance. It is meant to allow pulls, not push into another target.
I.e. someone else / some other system can call this REST API and consume the data you defined in your SSL. The only thing you need to do other than the instructions state is allow the machine identity your IIS pool runs under to access the tables your SSL points to.
Thanks @rory.smith, I am really looking for a method to transfer the data to an external DB that supports REST API to send the data to it.
if your target DB is an Azure SQL DB and you have Azure API Management to allow the TX REST API to be called, you could invoke your REST API hosted by TX to load data (see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-stored-procedures/sp-invoke-external-rest-endpoint-transact-sql?view=azuresqldb-current&tabs=request-headers). But otherwise you would need to develop something custom.
@rory.smith The target DB provides me with a POST endpoint like this:
POST > http(s):///IP]/InaCatalogAPI/api/iClientes
that seems like something you might be able to hook into Exmon MDM or develop Powershell that generates API calls from a table. I tend to avoid implementing Data Integration scenarios directly in TimeXtender as those are usually operational processes and not batch-driven ones. The REST endpoint will definitely not support that scenario.
The original API Server is from Xpert BI and BI Builders. They implemented a PUSH feature. It was also called reverse ETL. This could be used to export data to another API server.
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