Generate End-To-End Tasks and Execution Packages

  • 8 January 2024
  • 5 replies
Generate End-To-End Tasks and Execution Packages
Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Released in TimeXtender 6505.1

To make it easier to set up a refresh of the data in a specific semantic model, you can now automatically generate the data warehouse execution packages and ODX tasks that will update all data for a specific semantic model.

Generating End-To-End Tasks and Execution Packages

  1. Create an execution package for a Semantic Model
  2. Right click on the execution package and select Generate End-To-End Tasks and Packages


Auto-Generated Objects

Right-clicking on the Semantic Model execution package and selecting Generate End-To-End Tasks and Packages will result in the creation of new auto-generated objects - dynamic perspectives, execution packages in the relevant Data Warehouses, and transfer tasks in the relevant ODX instances and data sources. 

Warning: renaming the auto-generated objects will result in duplicated auto-generate objects when regenerating end-to-end tasks and packages, unless the auto-generated objects are renamed such that they end with the {guid} that has been set

The auto-generated data warehouse execution package contains an auto-generated dynamic perspective.

This auto-generated dynamic perspective contains the relevant Data Warehouse tables being used in the Semantic Model

The auto-generated transfer task contains the relevant tables being used in the Semantic Model

Updating Auto-generated Objects

If changes are made to the semantic model, for example if tables are added or removed, then right-click on the semantic model execution package and select Generate End-To-End Tasks and Packages this will update the auto-generated objects to ensure the changes are taken into account.

5 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

This feature it’s nice, but you must know that if you have several SSL models that obviously share the same MDW, perphaps it’s not necessary to update all the tables for each SSL model.

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Similarly you don't want to refresh ODX tables multiple times through on-demand loading if you can avoid it.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

@rory.smith Exactly, this new feature will be useful if “all the sources” (ODX, DSA, MDW) are incremental.

In this way it will be refreshed only the first time if you refresh several SSL at the same time using a common data warehouse.

Are you agree with me?


Userlevel 6
Badge +7

@Christian Hauggaard ,


if your ODX sources are on-demand, are transfer tasks in the ODX supposed to be created or not? I assume the next step is to define a Job that contains the DWH+SSL packages or will the SSL package you ran Generate end-to-end tasks on trigger all underlying stuff automatically? Might be good to expand the documentation with this info.

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

@rvgfox ,

incremental or not I think having a “merge steps” that can look across ODX/DWH/SSL and remove duplicate steps would be best. Having some kind of “freshness” requirement that could opportunistically run incremental tables would also be a good addition, but is really a different kind of feature.
