Introduction to Data Providers in Turnkey

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In the realm of Exmon Cloud, data providers play a pivotal role in bridging your datasets with the source of your data. Think of a data provider as the essential link that connects Exmon Cloud to the database you wish to utilize for your data analysis and reporting tasks. This initial setup is crucial because it lays the groundwork for creating datasets, which are at the heart of Exmon Cloud's analytical capabilities.

By setting up a data provider, you're effectively telling Exmon Cloud where to fetch your data from and how to securely access it. Whether your data resides in a Microsoft SQL database or through Exmon Data Management (DM), the data provider ensures that your datasets in Exmon Cloud are dynamic, up-to-date, and reflective of the most current information available in your databases.

Understanding and configuring your data providers correctly is the first step in leveraging the full potential of Exmon Cloud. It allows for a seamless flow of data into your workspace, enabling you to start creating meaningful and actionable datasets right away.

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