Moving exMonDG between servers

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In this article, you will read about how to move an exMon database, portal and/or executions from one server to another.


Here are instructions to move the database.


Here are instructions to move the portal.

Execution server

  1. To move the execution server start by installing exMon on the new server that should handle executions.
  2. When that is done you should open the current execution server, open Start -> Task Scheduler
  3. Find the exMon task, it can be located under the folder exMon.
  4. Right click the task and select "Export..." and save the file
  5. Disable the task in Task scheduler on the old server
  6. Go to the new server, open Start -> Task Scheduler
  7. Import the file to the new server's Task Scheduler
  8. Open the Scheduler and make sure the correct user is set as the running user


  • If executions have not started correctly on the new server first check your task in Task Scheduler and go into History(make sure to Enable All Tasks History) and check if you see errors there.
  • Try changing the running user
  • If nothing works, you can revert the move by enabling the task scheduler on the old server and disabling it on the new one

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