Table Converter

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In this article, you will learn about the Table Converter function in exMon DM. The Table Converter gives you a way to pull new data from a SQL table from your database and convert it into an exMon DM Table. This gives you the ability to edit your data in exMon DM should you need to in the future.

How to use the Table Converter in exMon DM

To use the table converter, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the bottom left corner
  2. Click Table Converter


Converting a table into an exMon DM table

  1. In the Table Converter tab, you will see a list of all the tables that exist in your database but do not yet exist as an exMon DM table.
  2. Select the tables you would like to convert and click the 'Convert Selected Tables' button.
  3. A popup will appear. Choose a project and section for those tables.
  4. Finally, click the 'convert' button within the popup
  5. Wait a few seconds until you see a summary of all the tables and if they were successfully converted or not.
  6. If they were successfully converted you can start using them within exMon DM right away.

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