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Hi all,

our customer has tables that are SCD2 historized with valid_from and valid_to columns and a “version” column, where 1 is the most recent entry, 2 the next older entry and so on.

Is there a possibility to load these tables into TimeXtender, preserve the history (make it useable for TimeXtender) and continue historizing in TimeXtender, so that they can turn off the historization in their source table?


you would need to essentially replay the history by loading all version one into the type 2 table, update all SCD From and To dates based off the raw source table, load version 2 from source into the table, update those changed records (all current records), etc. You also need to be sure you want history captured at reload moment vs. at change moment (which is likely what the source does).

I usually advise against this kind of thing, but I don't know any of the deeper context.

Hi @f_kefer do you have any follow up questions to Rory’s suggestion above?

No questions, all clear. Thanks for the answer.
