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Where can I find a description/explanation of the several types regarding the project variables?


Hi @Lorenzo 

Currently we have this documentation for project variables on our legacy support site:

We will be adding a new article on instance variables soon that applies to the new version.

Hi Christian,

Thanks for your reply. Yes I know of the existence of these documents but I would like to have info regarding the other options that are mentioned like for example source scope etc., see my previous screen print.

Based on your last sentence this is not available yet right?

Source scope can be used in Business Units. For example, the below project variable returns the database name for the table in the Business Unit, which in my case returns AdventureWorks.

The value filter can be used to only include values based on the type of data sources, for example if I change it to text file, I will only be able to see the values/properties that relate to a text file data source (and therefore database name is no longer included).

A fixed project variable is a fixed value.

A system variable allows the following properties to be extracted

The Destination Scope Variable below, when applied to one of my Business Unit tables, shows the database name of my business unit. If applied to my DSA, it shows the database name (of one of the other properties that can be selected under Value) of my DSA.

Contextual scope variables like the one below, can be used to refer to the the database name (or another property) which is always based on the Context field. So if I use the variable in my Business Unit, the variable will still show the Database Name for the DSA (i.e. the value is independent of where the variable is used unlike destination scope above).

Dynamic project variables can be used to use a custom script to find a property in a certain context.

Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.

Can you use Project Variables in the subject of a notification?
