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Can I retrieve the individual file names of an aggregated Excel table?

  • 2 September 2024
  • 3 replies

I have a folder that contains several Excel files I want to combine into one table. However, the week and year that the individual files refer to are only contained in the file names, not in the files themselves. Therefore, I have no way of knowing the week and year that a row of data belongs to when I aggregate the files using the Excel data source. Is there a way to aggregate all Excel files in the folder while also keeping information about which file a record came from? Or is making a separate data source for each file the only solution to keep this information?

By the way, the Excel files are stored on a server requiring username and password, so the TimeXtender Excel data source is (currently) not an option.

Hi @jasperp 

I have tried setting the “other” property to IncludeResourceColumns=true using the Cdata Excel data source 24.0.9006, however this did not provide an additional column allowing for extraction of file name. Setting the IncludeResourceColumns to true allows extraction of file names for the Cdata XML data source. I reached out to Cdata to ask them about this, and why file names can be extracted for XML data source but not the Excel data source, they responded:

“The IncludeResourceColumns property is not currently supported in the Excel driver. However, I opened a ticket with our development team to get this property implemented. This will expose the file URI for aggregate file data.”

I will keep you updated

Hi @jasperp Cdata has informed me that implementing the extraction of the file name will take approximately 4-6 weeks to implement

Hi @Christian Hauggaard 

Thank you for testing the issue and reaching out to Cdata about this. I am looking forward to the implementation of the solution!
