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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operation Data Source Connection


I want to connect Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operation - Cloud to TimeXtender. Need to your help to know the prerequisites and also the steps to connect the same to TimeXtender.

Hi @pkaustubha 

We do not have our own F&O provider for the online version, only the SQL one.

You can connect to it with the Dynamics 365 provider.

You need an app to be used for OAuth. This is explained in this old guide for D365 Sales, which is pretty much the same procedure as for F&O.

Once you have the app you need to use the following settings.


Add you F&O cloud server and set the Edition to FinOpsOnline.

Azure Authentication

Add the Azure Tenant ID. It is possibly optional, but it is a good idea to add it anyway.


Set the Initiate OAuth field to GETANDREFRESH initially. Add the client id of the APP you made for this and add the secret id for it. I also added a Callback URL http://localhost:33333 which is what we always suggest that you use.

That is it. Remember that you need to authenticate the data source in the program before it will allow for access.

Once you have done this once, it will also be a good idea to change the Initiate OAuth field to REFRESH as you already got the file.

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the quick and positive revert. Just one additional question after reviewing the response and OAUTH link, do we need Cdata Installation for the same. If yes, from where I can get and download the same and is it paid subscription?



Hi @pkaustubha 

It is part of the subscription. A provider will be added to the designated folder whenever you create the data source.

So you don’t have to do anything other than what I explained.

Thanks Thomas, I will check the same tomorrow and will let you know in case of any difficulties

Hi Thomas,


Using above mentioned URL to connect Dynamics 365 Sales CRM Online, when I tried App Registration on Azure Portal and then when I started created the Data Source in ODX I am unable to get the following as per the guide

Add the Data Source in TimeXtender

This data source can be found by navigating to the Dynamics 365 Sales CData provider in the list of availabel CData providers either in the ODX or the Business Unit. What should i do next to connect CRM. 

Need your help




if you've created the Data Source in the Portal, it needs to be mapped to an ODX Instance. Once you do that, you can refresh Instances in TimeXtender Desktop and your new source should appear (in green).

Hi Rory,

I am unable to get the Dynamics 365 Sales CData provider as Data Source in the list. If I get the same, then I will proceed with rest of the steps. Any suggestions on the same



use the top one:

See also:

Hi @pkaustubha 

As Rory alludes to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the one to use. It can be changed to work with Sales, BC, F&O and others. 

Hi @pkaustubha is the issue resolved? If so please help us by marking a best answer above. Please let us know if you have any follow up questions

Hi All,

After lot of efforts Oauth Successful for Microsoft Dynamics FinOps Online, But while testing connecting got following error and need your support on priority as I have a demo tomorrow.

Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)




Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)
Module: TimeXtender.ODX.Engine
   at TimeXtender.ODX.Engine.ODXEngine.SendServiceRequestuC](WcfServerSettings serverSettings, Action`2 action)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteConnectingThread(Object dummy)


Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)
Module: timeXtender
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.HandleError()
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.Execute(String title, Int32 progressSteps, List`1 actions)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteFastAction(String title, Action action, IWin32Window parentForm, CancelBehaviors cancelBehavior, ErrorBehaviors errorBehavior, String callerName)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.EditDataSourceCommand.Dialog_OnTestConnection(Object sender, EventArgs e)


Time: 2024-09-02 17:41:03
UTC: 2024-09-02 12:11:03
Title: ODXNew - TimeXtender
Application: 6718.1
User: Dell
Domain: GLEEVOAZ-032A37
Login user: Kaustubha Pimplikar (
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Machine name: GLEEVOAZ-032A37
CPU count: 4
Build: 64 bit



@pkaustubha please generate a log file by editing the data source connection in the portal and setting the setting the logfile property to a path (e.g. C:\Log\log.txt) and set verbosity to 3.

Then save the data source connection after making the changes.

Then refresh/restart TimeXtender desktop and edit the data source and click Test Connection. This should generate a log file. Please send the log file to

Hi Christian and Thomas,

Today once again I was trying to add Microsoft Dynamics D365 FinOps and Microsoft Dynamics D365 CRM Online and when I was trying to add the Data Source found that the structure of Data Source is changed completely and then CData Connecter for Microsoft Dynamics 365 is discontinued.


Request you to please guide me on, now with new set of connectors available, what should I choose as connector to connect D365 FinOps Online and D365 CRM Sales Online.

If possible can we schedule a quick call


Hi @pkaustubha the Cdata Microsoft Dynamics 365 provider should be available again now. Please try to add the following


Hi @pkaustubha can you please confirm if you were able to add the MS Dynamics 365 data source connection?

Hi Christian,


I am able to add the Data Source for D365 FinOps Online and it is working fine. But with the same connector I am unable to connect with D365 CRM - Sales. 

@pkaustubha did you try setting the edition to Sales?

Please generate a log file by setting the log file path similar to below and set the verbosity to 3.

Then refresh the TimeXtender Data Integration desktop application and execute the sync task. Please send the log file to
