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I’m trying to connect to Business Central Online using the Time Xtender connector. I’m using a service principal which has an app registration in Azure and I’ve run through all the steps in the BC/TX tutorial.

I’m getting the following error message when I try to add the data source. Any ideas what might happen


Service request failed: Sequence contains no matching element (System.InvalidOperationException)


Service request failed: Sequence contains no matching element (System.InvalidOperationException)
Module: TimeXtender.ODX.Engine
   at TimeXtender.ODX.Engine.ODXEngine.SendServiceRequestvC,T](WcfServerSettings serverSettings, Func`3 func)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.AddODXDataSourceWizard_SelectConnectionStep.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Validate>b__0()
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteConnectingThread(Object dummy)

Service request failed: Sequence contains no matching element (System.InvalidOperationException)
Module: timeXtender
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.HandleError()
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.Execute(String title, Int32 progressSteps, List`1 actions)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteFastAction(String title, Action action, IWin32Window parentForm, CancelBehaviors cancelBehavior, ErrorBehaviors errorBehavior, String callerName)
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.AddODXDataSourceWizard_SelectConnectionStep.Validate()
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.TXWizardController.DoNext()
   at TimeXtender.DataManager.TXWizardDialog.ClickNext()

Hi @JorisKamma 

You get this error when you click save on the data source to create it initially?

Can you create other data sources than this?

Hi Thomas, I get this error when I try to add a data source in Time Xtender. Other data sources have not been a problem.


Hi @JorisKamma 

What version of TimeXtender are you in?


Hi @JorisKamma 

OK the version might be the issue.

The way you add a data source have changed in the newer versions.

Which one of the Dynamics BC providers are you using.

The one called Dynamics 365 Business Central - Online is the newest one and the one that works the best.

However, that one was added when 6429 was released, so it may not work with 6284 you are currently on.

Hi @JorisKamma could you please provide an update on the above?

I haven’t tried it yet. Have to plan the upgrade first. 

We upgraded TX and the connector is now working properly. Thanks for your quick response.
