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Data Source selection in Project Perspective (already has been asked for in 2019) - to filter the list of hundreds of sources to those related to the specific project.

Data Source "guarding" to prevent accidental modification in DEV or TEST environments, when a source is already actively used in PROD environment.

Data Source disable option (in conjuction also with guarding) - various use cases.


Hi Jon,

thank you for your question!

A lot of effort has gone into how and where data sources are managed within TimeXtender in the upcoming major version, that is released very soon.

Many aspects you mention are improved and reworked in that version, so I highly recommend checking out the partner preview release, release notes and the webinars covering the new functionalities.

A good starting point to do so is:


Hey Frank

thanks for your response - very much looking forward to the new release, by now I know it has a lot to live up to!

"released very soon" - holding your cards close to your chest there - reading between the lines I'm expecting mid-September...



BTW, could you redo that link please?


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Hi Jon,

I just re-confirmed internally that you're absolutely correct with mid-September - the team is currently aiming a bit earlier for Sep 6.

Wasn't trying to be vague on purpose, just wanted to communicate verified information :-)

I will make sure your account has appropriate permissions to access the link above.

