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I’ve detected an error (sended to support) with the packages that use full load and if the incremental rule it’s defined with a datatime field.

The error it’s in the ODX transfer and I’m using a SQL data source.

Hope this help you.

What is the error? We are looking to upgrade, but we don't want to run into any troubles regarding incremental loads using timestamps.

The error is that you can’t use the Full load option in the execution packages in a MDW instance. So as long as you do not have that it will not be an issue.

We are working on a fix to this.

Ive just upgraded and now we run into constant fail when loading from the odx:


System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstrTSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
   at ODX.Components.ComponentManager.InstallInternalProviderIfRequired(DataSourceConnectionModel dataSourceConnectionModel, ComponentTypes componentType)
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetAssemblyFilePath()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetCustomDataSource()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.<GetSupportedExecutionDestinations>b__27_0()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetSupportedExecutionDestinations()
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.TransferData(IDataSourceEngine dataSourceEngine, ExecutionTaskModel taskModel, List`1 tableModels, Boolean forceFullLoad, SecurityExecutionModel securityExecutionModel)
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.StandardAction.Execute()
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__9_0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirsttTSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
   at ODX.Components.ComponentManager.InstallInternalProviderIfRequired(DataSourceConnectionModel dataSourceConnectionModel, ComponentTypes componentType)
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetAssemblyFilePath()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetCustomDataSource()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.<GetSupportedExecutionDestinations>b__27_0()
   at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetSupportedExecutionDestinations()
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.TransferData(IDataSourceEngine dataSourceEngine, ExecutionTaskModel taskModel, List`1 tableModels, Boolean forceFullLoad, SecurityExecutionModel securityExecutionModel)
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.StandardAction.Execute()
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__9_0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<---

what causes this?

Hi @Bitmetric_Maarten 

Can you create a ticket in the support system with this issue. This is an repository issue. Also please explain what version you upgraded from and to.

Hi @Bitmetric_Maarten 

Can you create a ticket in the support system with this issue. This is an repository issue. Also please explain what version you upgraded from and to.

Yes I’ve mailed support. Update was from 6346.1 to 6429.1


we are also getting the “Sequence contains no matching element” error in ODX (when running the synchronize job on an TX SQL Server Data Source). We are still on 6346.1 but we did upgrade the TX SQL Data Source Provider to

Maybe these two are linked?

Are there any news regarding the ODX errors?



I got this error too on both extract and synchronize tasks(was on TimeXtender SQL Data source, after upgrading the source to and running a synchronize task, I can now extract successfully.

Hello everyone.

The original issue was resolved with the release of 6430.1.

The issue was that when you used full load tables in your execution packages it attempted to use snowflake.

This other issue seems to be about not upgrading all areas.

So if you do not want to upgrade to 6431.1 do not upgrade the data sources, those things are likely related.

@rvgfox Can you let me know if you have any issues with the original issue or set this to be solved.
