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Error synchronizing TimeXtender Dynamics 365 Business Central - Online data source

  • 26 August 2024
  • 9 replies

I get the following error message when synchronizing a TimeXtender Dynamics 365 Business Central - Online data source:


“System.AggregateException: Ett eller flera fel har uppstått. ---> System.ApplicationException: Invalid response from Business Central retrieving table Field for company “


Authorize OAuth as well as Test Connection is successful in TimeXtender desktop.


It seems like the Tenant and the Environment parameters are correct as connection fails when I alter these parameters.


I am able to authorize and connect regardless what I input in the fields in the Account section.


I use the Service to Service authentication with Client ID and Client Secret from the Azure app registration.


I use TimeXtender v. 6718.1 and ODX Service v. 6718.1.


Any suggestions on what to try next?


Full error message:

System.AggregateException: Ett eller flera fel har uppstått. ---> System.ApplicationException: Invalid response from Business Central retrieving table Field for company 

   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTableViaCodeUnitAPIHandlingTimeouts(String tableName, String companyName, String fields, String filters, Int32 maxTotalRecs, Action`1 processPartialTable)
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTableViaCodeUnitAPI(String tableName, String companyName, String fields, Int32 maxTotalRecs)
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.CollectMetaData()
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTranslationTable()
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadataPlugin.GetAdapterTranslation(DataTable dataTable)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.<Initialize>b__26_0(BCCloudMetadataPlugin plugin)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.RunPlugin(Action`1 action)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.RunPlugin(Action`1 action, Boolean runInThread)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.Initialize()
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.AccountBC365CustomDataSource.GetTables(Func`3 tableHasFilterMatch, Func`4 columnHasFilterMatch)
   vid DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.SynchronizeSource(List`1 existingTableModels, IDataStorageEngine dataStorageEngine)
   vid ExecutionEngine.Action.SynchronizeAction.Execute()
   vid ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__11_0()
   vid System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
   --- Slut på stackspårning för interna undantag ---
---> (Internt undantag #0) System.ApplicationException: Invalid response from Business Central retrieving table Field for company 

   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTableViaCodeUnitAPIHandlingTimeouts(String tableName, String companyName, String fields, String filters, Int32 maxTotalRecs, Action`1 processPartialTable)
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTableViaCodeUnitAPI(String tableName, String companyName, String fields, Int32 maxTotalRecs)
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.CollectMetaData()
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadata.GetTranslationTable()
   vid Jet.NavMetadataPlugin.BCCloudMetadataPlugin.GetAdapterTranslation(DataTable dataTable)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.<Initialize>b__26_0(BCCloudMetadataPlugin plugin)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.RunPlugin(Action`1 action)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.RunPlugin(Action`1 action, Boolean runInThread)
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.BCObjectInformation.Initialize()
   vid TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.AccountBC365CustomDataSource.GetTables(Func`3 tableHasFilterMatch, Func`4 columnHasFilterMatch)
   vid DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.SynchronizeSource(List`1 existingTableModels, IDataStorageEngine dataStorageEngine)
   vid ExecutionEngine.Action.SynchronizeAction.Execute()
   vid ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__11_0()
   vid System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<---

Hi Oscar,

Following my reply on your support ticket, I believe I was able to reproduce this error and am checking our our product team and will provide an update when it is available.

Thank you for your patience.

Greg Lennox


Thank you! The provider version I am using is

Hi @oscarcleve 

As I mentioned in the ticket. This issue used to happen when we had installed the wrong Jet Analytics Extension, or had the old version. Once we updated the one we had it started working.

In the prerequisites for BC we explain how to install it, but it can also be used to reinstall it I assume.


Hi @oscarcleve did you try reinstalling the Jet Analytics Extension as suggested by Thomas above?

I still wait for my customer’s approval to try a reinstallation. In the meantime I am retrieving data from BC through the TimeXtender REST connector. 

Hi @Christian Hauggaard @Thomas Lind 

We run into the same error here. We have reinstalled the Jet Analytics Extension but still run into the same error. Any other options available that we can try and test?

Hi @Remy Kamphuis | Victa 

There are more than one version and it needs to be the newest one. Due to a loss of rights, I can’t show you which ones exist and which one to choose, only to keep trying until all options have been attempted.

If it is not the edition of the extension, it is probably the rights you use.

If you use OAuth, it will be the user you authenticate with and the App if you use service to service.

I personally prefer the service to service option. The one I use is set up like so.

It gives me rights to see everything.

Hi @Thomas Lind

In the Extension Marketplace we only find two versions of the Jet Analytics for Business Central extensions. The first from Jet Global Data Technologies is not available anymore and they point to the second; the one from insightsoftware. This is the one we have installed; version, which seems to be the latest. 


These are my rights:

