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I am trying out the new TimeXtender version and just set up my environment. Now when I use a transfer task I receive the following error: 

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Error validating data storage version. The version is empty
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLHelper.GetDataStorageVersion(SqlCommand command)
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.ValidateStorage(SqlCommand command, Boolean tryTakeOwnership, Boolean throwIfInvalidOwner)
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.TransferData(IDataSourceEngine dataSourceEngine, ExecutionTaskModel taskModel, List`1 tableModels, Boolean forceFullLoad, SecurityExecutionModel securityExecutionModel)
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.StandardAction.Execute()
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__9_0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.Exception: Error validating data storage version. The version is empty
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLHelper.GetDataStorageVersion(SqlCommand command)
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.ValidateStorage(SqlCommand command, Boolean tryTakeOwnership, Boolean throwIfInvalidOwner)
   at DataStorageEngine.SQL.SQLStorageEngine.TransferData(IDataSourceEngine dataSourceEngine, ExecutionTaskModel taskModel, List`1 tableModels, Boolean forceFullLoad, SecurityExecutionModel securityExecutionModel)
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.StandardAction.Execute()
   at ExecutionEngine.Action.ExecutionAction.<.ctor>b__9_0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<---

Any guidance on what the issue is? 


Hello Sierd Zuiderveld,

Thank you for trying out the new version of TimeXtender. 

A few additional details we will need to investigate further.

What storage are you using as your ODX?

Were you able to create ODX storage from desktop UI and get a successful “test connection”? 

You can also try following the steps detailed in the below training. 

Portal - TimeXtender Training

Hi, thanks for the link. The problem was indeed the ODX storage. 

I had forgotten this step: 

Now everything works fine! 
