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Using the TimeXtender Dynamics 365 Business Central - Online connector, I'm having trouble filtering columns in the ODX. With all columns selected everything is fine, but once I make a selection in columns I get the error below when running the Transfer Task. Any ideas on why this is happening and how to fix it? (TX Version 6XXX)


Executing table customer:
failed with error:
Exception Type: System.InvalidOperationException
Message: Sequence contains no matching element
             Stack Trace: at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstuTSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
                          at TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.ExecutionHelper.GetIncrementalLoadPartitionSetups(AccountBC365CustomDataSource accountBC365CustomDataSource, TableModel tableModel)
                          at TimeXtender.ODX.Account.BC365CustomDataSource.AccountBC365CustomDataSource.GetIncrementalLoadSetups(TableModel tableModel)
                          at DataSourceEngine.Custom.CustomSourceEngine.GetIncrementalLoadSetups(TableModel tableModel)
                          at DataStorageEngine.DataLakeGen2.DataLakeGen2StorageEngine.<>c__DisplayClass33_2.<TransferDataAsync>b__5(Action`2 waitUntil)

Hi @dennishanssen 

What sort of table was it and what was the field you removed? These tables are general so we can maybe replicate the behavior.

@Thomas Lind I tried the Customer table, selecting fields No, Name and Country.

Hi @dennishanssen 

Don’t use that one. It seems to never work. Use General Ledger Entry instead.

That is what Insight Software (formerly known as Jet) uses for all their template projects.

@Thomas Lind Thank you. That's a little odd, as loading the full table seems to work. I can't check now but does this include al Customer info similar to the Customer table?

Hi @dennishanssen 

Sorry I was wrong, I thought it said the company table. You should be able to use the Customer table.

Anyway, with that selection you are removing the most important field, DW_Account.

This field along with No. is what usually will be the Primary Keys of the table.

