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i have a exclude columns made like

“ exclude if schema <all” and table <all> and column contains “ plusg” 


for 1 table i want a specific include like

include if schema <all> and table equals “plusgmoc” and column equals “plusgtest”


it seems that the column isn’t added, i have done a sync and a new transfer. I look in the generated parquet file and can’t find the column.

Is this expecten behaviour? how to solve?


@Pieter-Jan you can try the following: “ exclude if schema <all” and table not equal plusgmoc and column contains “ plusg” 

Then make a seprate selection of the fields you do need to exclude from the plusgmoc table.

Make the column selection look something like this.

and then the result should give you the wanted result. I tested it with my aw test data set:

Like you can see person has the modified date and the employee table doesn't 

Hope this help!

have made a different exclude per table, so the excludes and includes don’t interfere with eachother

problem solved
