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Hi all,

For one of my current client's we are rectrieving a warning while syncing the odx. The task is completed and we can transfer the data. but the warning is a bit odd.

We already tried to remove the folder from the data lake and try a full load. but this didn't fix the warning. Anyone any ideas?

Hi @Bernarddb 

Which data source are you using? Does the data source table/view have an Id column? Was this Id column at some point deleted and re-added?

We are using a ADO data Source. with an SqLClient data provider. The table indeed has a the id field. As far as we are aware the supplier didn't change anything in the view. 

@Bernarddb  Which version of TimeXtender are you using?

Can you please share a screenshot of your data source settings similar to below?

Have you set up any primary keys or incremental load rules on the data source?

Also could you please try to create a new data source and see if you get the same issue? If so can you please also test with the TimeXtender SQL data source?

hereby the screenshot. Sorry for the slow reply 

We also tried it with the different connectors but still got the same result

@Bernarddb Thanks for the screenshot, can you please share the create statement for the view and create statement for the table which the view is based on in the source database? 

We don't have those script's since we are only supplied the table and view. But not the create statements. So i'm guessing we just have to live with the completed with warnings. Since it doesn't impact the transfer.

@Christian Hauggaard , I'm interesed in the reason why TX throughs an 'Warning'. What is the definition or ‘business rule’ for TX to get this warning?

Hi @Bernarddb @daniel this issue has been fixed now, please see

  • 19429: Removed unnecessary warnings in the ODX when synchronizing OLE DB based data sources

in the product update:

