Can you please try to create a single date time field (concatenating the date field and the timestamp) using a query table?
Hi @Christian Hauggaard
Since my UpdateDate is a DateTime field only showing dates and my UpdateTS fields is an Integer I had to do some more transforming to create a DateTime field. Based on the below source I was able to create a datetime field out of it.
datatypes - How to combine date and time to datetime2 in SQL Server? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', UpdateDate), CAST(CONVERT(TIME, STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), UpdateTS), 6), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':')) AS DATETIME2(7)))
I added this field so the view in my source database.
And you added this as a managed query table.
Can you confirm that it works?
Hi @Thomas Lind
I didn't use a managed query table so can't confirm unfortunately.
I integrate 20+ SAP Databases from the same SQL server, which at the time of starting up resulted in really slow DSA loading times due to having 20+ separate data sources. Hence, I created a _TX_*TableName* view on the Server for every source table which UNIONs all the 20+ Databases. This way, I only have 1 datasource for all these 20+ databases.
The views are managed by an Excel template I created where I can automatically update all tables when I want to add a column. I added this column to the Template and altered all the views in bulk.
Seems to be working fine.
Dear @KCMT ,
If you have a seperate SQL server with a logic to UNION all the tables, why don't you add a column with that transformation in that SQL statement? So now you have that column fixed in your source table?
Dear @KCMT ,
If you have a seperate SQL server with a logic to UNION all the tables, why don't you add a column with that transformation in that SQL statement? So now you have that column fixed in your source table?
Hi @daniel
That's indeed exactly what I did
The transformation column in included in the view.
Great minds think alike ;)