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The column LVALUE from the table "PROD"."MICROSOFTDTPROPERTIES" failed synchronization with the error:
System.Exception: Invalid data type long raw.

how to solve this error.

@daniel would you please help me with this.

Dear @Karankadam ,

I'm not sure what goed wrong here. Can you provide more info on which connector you are using and the settings? Maybe you need to change the row scan because it is giving an error on the length of a column. You can also try to:
1. Do a Data type override. 
2. Create a Query Table and cast / covert the column into something else
3. If you dont need that column, exclude it from the query so it doenst throughs an error


Hope this helps

= Daniel

@Karankadam do you have an update for the above questions? Please let us know so we can assist further
