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I try to connect data source to ODX from TimeXtender Portal. I tried with different data provider (Postgresql and CSV). Both data source are stored in the same machine as ODX server and TimeXtender Server.


While I got the error of “Test connection request timed out. Please make sure your ODX server is running and try again.”.

  1. The TimeXtender server and ODX server are both running.
  2. I checked the connection with command, and it is ok.
    Test-NetConnection -Port 1433

Hi @junwei 

Please try to increase the timeouts on the relevant ODX instance by editing the instance, increasing the values then click Save, and try to Test the connection again. 


Hi @junwei 

Please try to increase the timeouts on the relevant ODX instance by editing the instance, increasing the values then click Save, and try to Test the connection again. 


Hi @Christian Hauggaard , 

Thanks for your answer. I tried to increase both connection and command timeout to 10000. But I still have the same error.

@junwei are you able to test the connection in TimeXtender (rather than the portal)? Does this work or does it also timeout?

@junwei are you able to test the connection in TimeXtender (rather than the portal)? Does this work or does it also timeout?

@Christian Hauggaard yes, it is the same error.

Hi @junwei 

What exactly are you pointing at with the data sources.

If you open TimeXtender, can you see the ODX and open it?

If so can you see the data sources added there?

Hi @junwei 

Can you please try to increase the timeout settings in the Postgresql and CSV providers?

The timeout setting can be found under Misc section for the data source connections

Then please execute the synchronize task for the data sources and then try to test the connection again from TimeXtender desktop by editing the data source and selecting Test Connection


Hi @junwei can you please provide an update? did you get a chance to try increasing the timeout settings in the Postgresql and CSV providers?

Hi @junwei can you please provide an update? did you get a chance to try increasing the timeout settings in the Postgresql and CSV providers?

Hi @Christian Hauggaard, sorry for me late reply. The issue is fixed by creating database from TimeXtender instead of directly creating in SQL Server.
