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Our ODX gets stuck whenever we make a request to it (be it synch, transfer, or viewing a log). Then we see the error message in attachment and usually we see a second ODX all of the sudden.


Any idea what may be causing it?


Hi @ofirb ,

If you look in Event Viewer and filter on the ODX Server Service. Do you see any extra information?

Maybe the ODX Backlog database is corrupt. 

You can try to do the folowing steps:

  1. Stop the ODX Service
  2. Rename the ODX Backlog database
    (located in C:\ProgramData\TimeXtender\ODX\<version>\BACKLOG\Backlog.sqlite) to Backlog_old.sqllite
  3. Start the ODX Service. 
  4. A new ODX Backlog SQLLite database will be created. This can take a while


Hi @bas.hopstaken , thanks for your response.

We’ve tried what you are suggesting but then when restarting ODX we get the following.

It cannot synch with TimeXtender servers.

Error initializing server:
System.Exception: Could not connect to the cloud environment with a non valid backlog. Service shutting down
at Engine.ODXBacklog.BacklogController.SetupBacklog(String environmentConnectionString)
at Engine.ODXEngine.<>c.<StartInBackground>b__69_0()

HTTP error 400



Hi @ofirb ,

Is anything changed in the network/infrastructure recently? Maybe the firewall is blocking the connection to the ODX cloud environment/database.

You can use this article to troubleshoot firewall issues:

One of the triggers for this error is having TimeXtender application instances attempting to connect to ODX instances of a different version. If you open CMD. exe and run netstat -an and see a huge list of entries on your ODX Server port, that probably means you are running out of sockets.


If your TimeXtender apps and ODX Server(s) all match on version number, there is probably some other issue.

What you could try is stopping the ODX Server (nicely from the TX UI). Shut down all TX clients, wait 10-15 minutes and restart the ODX Server service. If you then keep an eye on Event Viewer under the Application folder, you should wait until the ODX Server service posts an Initialized event. After that you should be able to start connecting without any issues.
