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TX: 6284.1

Is there a reason why Lineage generated from the Data Source Explorer in the ODX Server includes the downstream stuff in a DWH instance whereas generating Lineage from a field in a Data Area in the DWH instance does not show the ODX part of the lineage?

Hi Rory,

I was trying to reproduce your issue, but do not think i was able to. I thought I saw what you were referring to one tim,e, but subsequent attempts to reproduce continued to show all the down stream stuff when checking the data lineage of a field in a data area, see the followng screenshot.

The above shows the “Trace Forward” and “Trace Backward” items from the ODX on through to the Semantic model. These are the default settings, but perhaps they are not applying for some reason. There is the “Refresh” button below these settings and I did click that, so maybe that reset some setting that made everything work okay.

Please check if clicking the Refresh button has an impact on the field that you are checking. Also, is this consistent across different fields? If so, please include a screenshot and information on the field so we can see if we can confirm the steps to recreate the issue. I am using TX Version 6284.1.




OK - will try to reproduce this on my own machines as this was at a customer. I did play with the ‘Trace backward’ and forward options any try to right-click and generate lineage from the DSA field. I am pretty sure all my instances were properly synchronised as we had to do some remapping on tables.


I have been unable to reproduce this - all I can think of is that something needed to be synchronized. I am now seeing proper lineage at this customer (without having changed anything other than some table reloads having been run).
