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ODX Notifications Configured and Tested Successfully But Fail to Receive Email With Failure

  • 14 August 2024
  • 4 replies


I have set up ‘notifications on critical errors’ in ODX and can test successfully by clicking the tTest Notification] button. However, when I attempt to fail an ODX job on purpose to test it works (by purposefully using incorrect credentials to connect to the data source) the ODX job fails but I do not receive an email.

If I receive a test notification email by clicking the tTest Notification] can I assume the mail server is correctly configured?

Or is it that a set of incorrect credentials for the data source is NOT considered ‘critical’?

Or could it be something else?

ODX: 6675.2

TX: 6698.1



ODX Job failures do not trgger critical error notifications. These are only triggered if the ODX service encounters an issue. For Jobs you would need to use Exmon Orchestration (included in SaaS), or roll-your-own using the Job API.

Hi Rory

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if that’s the same for MDW job failures as well, as I’ve just set up notifications for MDW jobs with a forced data pipeline error in the execution and whilst a test notification is received OK no error notification is received when the MDW job fails?



Hi @Paul Bridge 

These are the errors that it catches.

The following is treated as a critical error:

  • The ODX cannot connect to the cloud repository
  • The ODX cannot connect to the data storage
  • The client secret the ODX tries to connect with is invalid

If you are in the newest SaaS releases then the third one likely isn’t relevant as you can’t apply the secret anymore.

So you will have to use Exmon Orchestration as explained by Rory to do that part.

You still got notifications on normal execution packages.

So you will get an email if you set it up to send one on failure or success, just as it used to do.

Hi Thomas

Whilst I configured the mail server setting what I forgot was to set the ‘Post Execution - Notification on Failure’ drop down, as per your last point in your reply.

Have tested and all good now.

Will look into Exmon for additional notification functionality

Thanks both
