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Hi team! 


I am contacting you because I am trying to transfer data from MariaDB to ODX and I received the following error

failed with error:
System.FormatException: The DateTime represented by the string is not supported in calendar 


Any suggestion to solve it? 




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Since i don't have screenshots i'm guessing here. But it seems that the calendar in your first datawarehouse layer is a datetime. but it's getting in as a string from your odx/business unit. Did you try the different types of datatype override? it might be that you need a datetime2 to convert a string into a valid date datatype.

Convert it to datetime2, it is likely out of the allowed range for a normal datetime.

Hi team, 

I used Manage Query Tables, and I had to use Mariadb’s functions TO_DAYS and FROM_DATE. 

This way I solved the problem.



Hi @ignacio 

Do you know how the date in MariaDB was structured before coming in to TX?

I don't have access to read the data before TX


Don’t bother then, if it works it works.
