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I have recently been experimenting with using .rsd files for REST API data sources.  I have generated the .rsd files and then modified them to add pagination.  I now have two questions:

1. What is the appropriate way to move these .rsd files to production? Just copy the files, to the production server? Or is there some way in integrate the movement with the TimeXtender transfer to production process?

2. When moving the .rsd files to production, how can we have them dynamically use the URI for the production data source instead of the dev data source?  If we just copy the files from dev to prod, the files will still contain the dev data source.  Do we have to manually change this, or is there a way to pass this source address using a variable?

Thank you.

Hi Daniel

You can add _connection.<fieldname> to the rows to pull from the setup.
Like so

<api:set attr="URI" value="[_connection.URI]" />

The above will make it read the actual URI you put in the provider and not the one you added to the file.

You can do it to all fields pretty much. I have used it for specific setups in a so-called RSB file.

<rsb:set attr="" value="grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[_connection.OAuthClientId]&client_secret=[_connection.OAuthClientSecret]&[_connection.OAuthParams]" />

So with this, you can have it be dynamic, using a different URI in dev compared to Prod.
Besides that, I would have two folders for development and production.

Thank you Thomas.  This is exactly what I was looking for.  I did a quick test and it works.
