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I’m struggling with the TimeXtender SAP Table Data Source version 18 in ODX Server v6429.1. In our current setup we use Table Name filtering like this:


Please see the wildcards used. How does this translate to ODX Server v21? I have these three rules:


The latter does not seem to work. I tried many variations (and did a sync data source consecutively), but when I click Select Tables under a transfer task, it only comes up with the tables matchin an equal-rule. Tables that should match a like-rule never show up:


Using equal and wildcards doesn’t work either


Any advice on how I should filter tables properly?

Hi @erik.van.mastrigt ,

Did you try to use ‘%’ as a wildcard combined with the like operator?

@bas.hopstaken  Yes, among many other variations. Had also issues with the Search button not working properly. 

Just updated to 6436 and tried the % as wildcard again. Works fine now. Search button works fine too. Don’t know whether it’s the update, I messed things up or something was happening in the background, but so far it seems ok now.

Thanks for the quick response tho :)

Hi @erik.van.mastrigt ,

Some V20.10 versions also had this problem. This was fixed in V20.10.40.64.:

I had this issue for customers running version V20.10.x. After clicking the search button in the Select tables, I directly checked the Event Viewer and I noticed an error about the System.Memory.dll. 

Maybe this was the same issue as the one you are facing. 
