I just noticed there’s a bug in the current version of our ERP related to the UpdateDate & UpdateTS field which impacts incremental loading. Hence, I'm investigating the possibilities to set up a semi-incremental loading infrastructure. With my TX version I can also set up the following, which is limited:

My database has data ranging from 2013-today. I'm looking to find a way to load 2013-2023 just once and then only full load the data with a UpdateDate >= 01-01-2024. I'm thinking to achieve this the following way:
- Set up a Query Table for every table where UpdateDate >= 01-01-2024.
- Set up a Load task, LOAD_FULL which has the original tables
- Set up a Load task, LOAD_INCREMENTAL, which has the Query table with just data from 2024.
- Execute the LOAD_FULL task just once.
- Schedule & Execute LOAD_Incremental every 30 minutes.
If I do it this way, it's not a classic incremental loading process.
- Can I still utilize TimeXtenders ODX/DSA incremental loading functionalities this way?
- Would the scenario above work and is this the most optimal solution for this?