Hi all,
I have v20.10.45 running in Azure with ODX server running for a client. We have about 15 ODX datasources. The synch/loads run daily and the server has been up for about 9 months, so no extraordinary amount of logging I think.
The issue that I’m having is that it’s not possible anymore to check the execution logs of some ODX task runs. The popup doesn’t appear and TX goes into a “Not Responding” state. Any click in the client will crash the application. This happens when I have no TX project opened, only the Manage tab for ODX server (see screenshot).
I’ve upscaled the VM from DS2v2 (2 core, 8GB) to D4S_v3 (4 core, 16GB), but this doesn’t change it. Restarting ODX server also doesn’t help.
The issue is not with all tasks. Tasks for which all recent executions are successful will show the logging. Checking the event logging at ODX server level will crash and tasks with a lot of recent failures also crash.
Edit 1: A connection that has this logging issue is a connection using the CData Sharepoint connector. I recreated this connection to ensure that there’s no logging at all. The synch task runs but with warnings. When trying to view the log, TX crashes again.
What can I do to view these logs?
ODX server in 20.10.45 has no retention period option as is available in the new release: