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At the moment we are processing our MDW datawarehouse to an Azure SQL Database and then we copy data to Snowflake.

We want to change this to Snowflake directly however only when it is possible to fully deploy to Snowflake (transformations included).
I know it is hard to give an exact timeline when this becomes available but do I need to think in a couple of months or in a couple of quarters or is this even low priority at the moment?

Looking forward to your response,

Greetings, Roy 

Hi @Roy V 

We have now improved support for Snowflake as a data warehouse in the 6429.1 release. Please upgrade to the latest version to test the new functionality. 


The newly supported features include incremental load, conditional lookup fields (in preview), field transformations, field validations, history tables, supernatural keys, and custom views. Aggregate tables, custom data, custom hash fields, junk dimensions, pre- & post-scripts, related records, and table inserts are not supported yet.

Hi Christian 

Thanks for the answer and the fact that more features regarding the deployment to snowflake are possible now. Looking forward for also the last table actions to become avaiable (as we are using aggreagte tables, custom data and pre- and post-scripts on our mdw layer).


Greetings, Roy
