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I have set up two completly new enviorments in AZURE.
Project name is same in both (i also have tried to append _PROD in Production) 
Why is this an issue? How do i come around this?



if your production repository already contains a project with the same name it probably won't want to overwrite it. Normally your production repo would be empty and you would push from development.


that helped but now i have another issue

when i try to Deploy in PROD from DEV, i get the following error

Source: System.Memory
Type: System.IO.FileLoadException
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
at System.MemoryExtensions.AsSpan(String text)
at Microsoft.Data.LocalDBAPI.GetLocalDbInstanceNameFromServerName(String serverName)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionString..ctor(String connectionString)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionOptions(String connectionString, DbConnectionOptions previous)
at Microsoft.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnectionPoolGroup(DbConnectionPoolKey key, DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions poolOptions, DbConnectionOptions& userConnectionOptions)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.ConnectionString_Set(DbConnectionPoolKey key)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.set_ConnectionString(String value)
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection..ctor(String connectionString, SqlCredential credential)
at TimeXtender.Sql.Engine.SqlEngine2022.GetServerConnection(String connnectionString)
at TimeXtender.Sql.Engine.SqlEngineBase.CreateServerConnection(SqlServer sqlServer)
at TimeXtender.Sql.Engine.SqlEngineBase.InitializeFromSqlServer(SqlServer sqlServer)
at TimeXtender.DataManager.DataSource_Sql.GetSqlEngine(Boolean startTransaction, Boolean singleConnection)
at TimeXtender.DataManager.StepTableSimpleDeploy.DoAbstractStep(StepSetup stepSetup)



Do you have .NET 4.8.0 or higher and all the other pre-requisites from installed on your production machine?


Both DEV and PROD are on the same machine 


That is somewhat strange. If you have Visual Studio on that machine you can have a look in the GAC using gacutil.exe as the error is telling you it is failing to load a dll (or dependency). Do you get the error only from the Envrionment transfer window or also if you start TimeXtender.exe and deploy the project as the Production Server service account (assuming you are not running as Local System)?

@rory.smith i can deploy successfully from within PROD



in that case I would log a support ticket through . In the meantime directly opening the Production environment will allow you to continue development.

Hi @aftabp I have created a support ticket for the “Could not load file or assembly
'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe” issue

Thnak you @Christian Hauggaard 
I was wondering why i got an email today at 07:12 AM that says: 

You are now a registered user of the TimeXtender support site. Follow the link below to choose a password, and we will log you in right away.

@aftabp that is odd since you registered in November 2023. I have created another support ticket for this so we can investigate


Do you find solution, beaucause I have same issue.

As i have understood the senario, you need to create a project from your DEV.
Since i got the error during testing phase i truncated the PROD-repo and did a fresh deployed from DEV which resolved the issue.

Remember that i did not turncated any DB other then REPOSITORY.


Thank you for your help, I will try it.
