Error 1064: An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.
The services of 6117.1 worked fine, but after upgrading to 6143.1, I'm not able to start the TimeXtender Execution service. Receive the error:
Windows could not start the TimeXtender Execution 6143.1 service on Local Computer Error 1064: An execption occured in the service when handling the control request.
In the Event log not more info then the error above.
Anyone an idea what is causing this and how to solve this?
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Hi Jan
Have you stopped and disabled the TimeXtender services for the previous versions?
Hi Christian,
I did this.
Which account are you using to run the service? A specific user or the local system account?
Specific account. Same account that was used for 6117.1 Password is correct. Tried it with another password and then I get another error message
The issue was solved by running the TimeXtender Execution Server Configuration and then starting the service. In other words, this Execution Server has to be configured before starting the service.
After running the TimeXtender Execution Server Configuration I deployed in the MDW (Data area DSA) a table and received the following error:
Service request failed: The environment has one or more pending upgrades. Please upgrade to the latest version (ODX.Model.Exceptions.EnvironmentUpgradeRequiredException)
Service request failed: The environment has one or more pending upgrades. Please upgrade to the latest version (ODX.Model.Exceptions.EnvironmentUpgradeRequiredException) Module: TimeXtender.ODX.Engine TimeXtender.ODX.Engine.ODXFaultException at TimeXtender.ODX.Engine.ODXEngine.SendServiceRequestuC,T](WcfServerSettings serverSettings, Func`3 func) at TimeXtender.DataManager.StepTransferExecute.DoDataWarehouse(IStepSetup stepSetup, List`1 mergeODXTransferInfromation, VariableResolveObject dynamicResolveObject) at TimeXtender.DataManager.StepTransferExecute.DoAbstractStep(IStepSetup stepSetup)