Hi @sierd.zuiderveld ,
You can check in the task manager in the details if there is a timextender.exe process running using PID 10520. You can also see the user that is running this process. If you check the execution log history in all execution packages and you click the ‘Execution Package’ button for each log. You will find the Process ID that this package is/was using. This way you can find the package that belongs to PID 10520.
Although it is an old article, I use this a lot when troubleshooting scheduled reload issues: https://legacysupport.timextender.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004728763-Scheduled-Execution-issues-Did-it-not-start-did-it-fail-or-is-my-execution-still-running-
Most of the time the solution is explained in the section ‘Remove old unknown schedules' in this article.
Hey @bas.hopstaken , thanks that is very helpful. I didn't wanna search through every package manually, this repository query seems to do the trick!
SET @ProcessId = 10520;
SELECT CExecutionId]
, ProjectId]
, ExecutionPackageId]
, BatchId]
, ProjectVersion]
, ExecutionPackageName]
, Start]
, End]
, EndStatus]
, ExecutionMessage]
, ParentExecutionId]
, ExecutionPackageSetupXML]
FROM Odbo].oExecutionPackageLogs]
WHERE RExecutionPackageSetupXML] LIKE '%<ProcessId>' + CAST(@ProcessId AS NVARCHAR) + '</ProcessId>%';
Maybe it can help others as well.