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Hi all,

I've recently implemented Incremental load. Pretty great.
I have also built an Execution Package to run each week, where I have added all Incremental tables to the Full load tab.

The Execution package sends me a Notification on Success.

Both the email, as the Execution History show that the package takes 0 seconds to run. It does run and fires the notification, but nothing actually happens.

I would also expect DW_TimeStamp in all Incremental tables to be equal (or at minimum, last run time of Full load).

How can I troubleshoot this?


Dear StefanS,

Can you execute the package manually? If not, please put the tables, datawarehouses or perspectives that you want to reload in the included section of the first tab.


Hi Daniel, 

No, the package with objects added to Full load cannot be Executed manually. 

I made a new package, added in one table on the Included section and ran it.

Done in a few seconds and DW_TimeStamp got one more distinct value added - in other words, that didn't do a Full load (as expected to be honest).

Hi Stefan,

Quick check: Did you also add that table to the Full Load Section in the second tab?

Hi Daniel,

I didn't - but did now and Executed.

That seems to have worked! DW_TimeStamp is now, not unique, but all within the same second (it's a small table to test with).

So, in summary:

  • Add the Incremental table(s) to Full load
  • Add them to Include steps


Would it also work to just add the entire data warehouse (from ODX - DSA - MDW - SDM) in both tabs?

I'll probably won't go for that, but make a Perspective for all incremental tables and add that and let the ‘regular’ refresh solve the total reload up to my report.


Dear Stefan,
Yes, you're summary is correct. Then you're done. 
It will work if you pick the ‘Execute Project’ which is everything. But this might be overkill. I use the Entire project sometimes and then Excluded tables through the Exclude Tables section (usually perspectives).

Working with the perspectives is a perfect way to load subsets of your DWH. Your proposal sounds good.
Take care!

Hi Stefan

Yes you can do that.


This is how I would set up a full load execution of my whole project.

I guess I'll do that, way less work as well than maintaining a perspective.
