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We started to use the configuration continue without data in case a transfer fails. The feature works fine, and we also see the message that one or more datasources fail. My question is, how can we easily see which datasources failed, and with what error message?


Hi Eric

We have some feature suggestions regarding this.



So it seems like you can't actually see which table is failed. You can see that parts of an execution is failed in the execution message in the area that is marked in yellow.


Thanks Thomas, I will put my votes on them!

Are you aware of any workaround at this moment? If it is somewhere in the log / repository, we should be able to create a report on it ourselves.

I don't think it is stored anywhere, I could not find any mentions regarding this.

Hi Eric, you can see very very detailed execution information using this script:

However I don't think the failure messages are stored anywhere unless the entire package fails. sorry. 

Thanks Thomas, Joseph.

What about this logging, any idea what is being captured?


Hi Eric

Depending on what CData provider you are using and what verbosity level you have added it will log all info of the authentication, synchronization and transfer.
