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I have been playing around with the on-demand load and set up some SQL Sources to use this. When I right-click Execute a table in MDW that loads from an on-demand source (TimeXtender SQL Source, ADO.Net transfer) I do not see any new extract to ODX - so I decided to run a Job: I subsequently right-clicked a Job that reloads my MDW layer and chose Execute. If I try to Execute again I get a message “The job xxx is already queued”, it does not ever seem to Execute the job however.

Is there somewhere where I can see the job queue?

With respects to triggering the Job Execution: the service wasn't running so this works fine. Is it correct that there is no Job queue to be seen and that Jobs do not Execute manually but only on their schedule?

Hi Rory

Have you configured the execution service and selected the relevant instances? Have you checked if the TimeXtender execution service is running?

Did you try refreshing the execution history log? It can take up to a minute after the job is manually executed before the relevant execution packages or tasks start running.   


Hi again,

Correct, there is no Job queue currently. However you can execute jobs manually, by right clicking on the job and selecting execute. The execution service needs to be running for both manual and scheduled executions.

Have you configured the execution service and selected the relevant instances?

Have you checked if the TimeXtender execution service is running?

Did you try refreshing the execution history log? It can take up to a minute after the job is manually executed before the relevant execution packages or tasks start running.   


Yes to all, it seems to have taken a bit longer to start running. The ODX Execution Log entries only show the outbound transfers. I was expecting to see some evidence of source-->ODX transfer, but I was able to verify that it works by checking the data for a non-incremental table in the ADLS. For static incremental tables (AW2014, so static source) it only touches the model.json.

Checking what is still pending and what has run is a bit of a scattered process, but at least I now know it works as intended.



Hello, I'm having the same problem. Service is running but it seems to wait (queue) until the scheduled time in de plan. I have removed the plan to start immediate, but I cannot remove the queue. How to empty the queue? And I want to have a plan as well as execute manually. Reading the above this should work, but it doesn't, is this a feature or a bug (using version 6.626.1)?



I found the problem, if the changes to TimeXtender locks from a version other than the version of the job execution version on the ODX application server, this gives a conflict and it will not start.
