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I just tried the TXDictionary project from CubeStore and managed to deploy the ODX (Business Unit) but when I start execution I get the following error:

Invalid object name 'etl.ExecutionPackageLogs_I'.

Running TX

Hi Martin,

Great question! I just ran through the TX Dictionary project myself using the latest version (20.10.6) and found the same error, which can be quickly remedied. There are three tables in the ODX (business unit) that need adjustment in the Table Settings

  • TX.ExecutionPackageLogs
  • TX.ExecutionPackageLogDetails

To resolve the error, perform the following on each of the tables:

  1. Open the Data Extraction tab under Table Settings
  2. Change the top-most setting from Automatic to Incremental
  3. Deploy and Execute the ODX layer, or the entire project


