Hello TimeXtender Support,
We are looking to upgrade the ODX server at the customer. Currently the ODX service is installed on the PROD server. We first want to install the new version of the ODX service on the DEV, basically run a sandbox project to ensure everything is running fine and then upgrade the ODX service on PROD.
Now, I've been told by Rory that there is a change that running a newer version of the ODX service will impact the metadata in the ODX repository in a way that is irreversible. I want to make sure that we can first try the new version of the ODX service in the DEV environment without impacting the ODX repository, so we can go back to the previous situation if anything problematic pops up and don't impact PROD.
My question is: can we safely install a sandbox version of the ODX service on the DEV server and have it call home without irreversibly changing our ODX repository between these two versions?
ODX Service 20.10.37
ODX Service 20.10.57
Luuk Bouman