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Hi to all,

In order to improve performance of data loading from Netsuite , we were advised to use Netsuite ODBC provided connetor and use Suiteanalytics. I have download the odbc connector provided by Netsuite, and installed it on the Timextender VM, i get an succesful connection in connecting to NS, using ODBC-test connection. However i cannot acess the odbc driver in Timextender ODX, so how do i do that. 

Keeping in mind that the Netsuite CData connector uses Rest-calls with limits 1000 records.. so that is not feasable.


thank you in advance 





Hi @petsche 

Have you setup one of the below drivers in the portal? If so can you please share a screenshot of the settings

Have you tried adding the data source to your ODX instance?

Try to select all tables and then edit your data source and select advanced settings. 

Can you please share a screenshot of these advanced settings? Also, which TimeXtender version are you using?

Hi christian,


i'm using timextender 


The problem is not how to configure the connector with datasource, I cannot see  the Netsuite odbc-connector as a provider (see image). I see only the ADO odbc data Provider … not the one i got from Netsuite themselves.



so i cannot confiugre it…I first have to load the Netsuite odbc provider  and that is the problem…




Hi @petsche 

Please try to use the ADO ODBC Data Provider.

Ensure that the ODBC driver has been setup in the ODBC Data Source Administrator

Then, copy the details from the administrator into the DSN and Driver fields, and test the connection. 



no, the performance issue we have is in the ADO odbc connector due to the limit in records loaded per request , Netsuite advised us to use their odbc connector !!!


so i cannot use the ADO-odbc connector 






Hi @petsche 

We only have the ADO ODBC connector, we do not have another ODBC connector. The alternative would be to use the CData Netsuite provider. Please see the following Microsoft documentation for more information on the ODBC connector

Please see the this guide for more info on how to setup the ODBC connector mentioned above.




okayz, where can i download de odbc drivers connector files , when i choose this ado odbc connect and try to configure with using the odbc-admin, i do not see the netsuite drivers ???

see screen :




Hi Peter,

Can you please send me a link to the driver you installed?

I installed this one

which I can then see under the System DSN tab


Hi Christian, 


i have installed the version you mentioned, can connect to Netsuite  now, but when synchronizing it errors with :

Error retrieving a table (unknown):
System.ArgumentException: Column 'TABLE_SCHEMA' does not belong to table Views.
   at System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
   at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
   at DataSourceEngine.ADO.ADOSourceEngine.GenerateObjectList(DbConnection connection)

i am using schema SUITEQL: 

i presume i have tochange in the datasource at advanced settings something: now i have:


please advice 




Hi Peter

Please try to follow the section "Create a ODX ODBC Data source" in this guide. Let me know if you have any issues

HI Christian,


have got it working, however after installing/configuring the odbc connector, other connectors (for example cdata provider for salesforece 2022) fails on Service request failed: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'icudt42.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
File name: 'icudt42.dll' ---> System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'icudt42.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.
File name: 'icudt42.dll'

after uninstalling the netsuite odbc connector , the failed salesforce connector works again, without changing anything. So it is clear that the cdata odbc connector causes the problem. 

Is there a specific location where the netsuite odbc connector needs to be installed , cq. dll registered or paths ? 

have already set the installed path into system environmet paths but no result 





hi cristian,


managed to resolve the problem… needed to be installed in windows/system dir.


can now access tables 


thank you for the support




Glad that it’s resolved! Can you please help us by marking a best answer above?


Hi Peter

The CData providers are stored in a specific folder.

Try to remove this folder and add it again, rerun the ODX Service Configuration program to point at a folder to store them in. Then install them once more and see if the error continues.
