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TX freezes when opening the ODX

  • 5 July 2024
  • 9 replies


We recently updated our TX and ODX to version 6675.2. Things were working fine until yesterday. Now whenever we open the ODX inside TX, the whole program freezes (image 1). 

It does not seem to be related to our VM. I have tried giving myself and the ODX service account more permissions on the C:\ProgramData\TimeXtender (sub)folders but that did not help.

The only fix so far seems to be restarting the TimeXtender_ODX_Service_6675.2 in Windows Services. This is also not always without issue (image 2).




9 replies

Userlevel 6
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you may need to use Taskkill from the CMD running under administrator rights to kill the ODX process and then may need to rerun the ODX Config.

Killing the service with a CMD “taskkill /f /pid [PID]” command and then running the TimeXtender ODX Server Configuration 6675.2 again fixes the issue. Just not sure for how long...


Userlevel 6
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In my experience: one day

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

The product team are working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, please use the workaround described by Rory. Please see the steps for the workaround below

1. Run the command prompt as administrator
2. run the following command to identify the pid:
sc queryex TimeXtender_ODX_Service_6675.2
3. then run the following command, replacing {pid} with the pid retrieved from the first command
taskkill /f /pid {pid}
In my case the pid was 5000 and running this command will terminate the process
Then run the ODX server config tool again

Thank you for the workaround instructions.


Is there any ETA on a potential fix? My team and I are thinking about downgrading to a previous version for the time being. 

Userlevel 6
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as far as I am aware it should be fixed (no patching required). It may be that you need to run the workaround once more if your service is stuck on starting. Affected deployments on our end seem to be working now. 

Userlevel 6
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@Mvest Please try running the ODX configuration and Execution configuration tools once, this should resolve the error

The ODX is stable again but we do have a similar issue with the Execution Server. 

We have scheduled jobs which seem to run fine for 1 or 2 days but after a while it starts throwing this error:

Job manager could not run job due to a fatal error

If you then start a job manually it stays on status Waiting forever. We fix this by running the TimeXtender Execution Server Configuration 6675.2 exe again.

When the execution server is in this failed state we are able to run the execution packages in the instance itself without errors, so it seems to be related to Jobs only. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Hi @Mvest I have created a support ticket for this issue
