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I am trying to connect with NetSuite ERP and created a data source. But when I am testing the connection getting following error. Please let me know how to correct, so I can establish the connection and also let me know if there are any pre-requisites for the same.


Also if you can also share the Data Connection screen with information to be added, would be great.

 I am using NetSuite (CDATA) Connector for the same.

Following is the error



Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)




Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)

Module: TimeXtender.ODX.Engine


   at TimeXtender.ODX.Engine.ODXEngine.SendServiceRequestcC](WcfServerSettings serverSettings, Action`2 action)

   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteConnectingThread(Object dummy)


Service request failed: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (System.Exception)

Module: timeXtender


   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.HandleError()

   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.Execute(String title, Int32 progressSteps, List`1 actions)

   at TimeXtender.DataManager.ConnectingThread.ExecuteFastAction(String title, Action action, IWin32Window parentForm, CancelBehaviors cancelBehavior, ErrorBehaviors errorBehavior, String callerName)

   at TimeXtender.DataManager.EditDataSourceCommand.Dialog_OnTestConnection(Object sender, EventArgs e)

As discussed in the support ticket

The cdata log file mentions: 
"User/password authentication has been discontinued by NetSuite as of the 2020.2 version. Either change the version connection property to a lower value, or switch to OAuth / Token Based Authentication."
In other words it is not possible to use Basic authentication for this provider version (i.e. 24.0.8963.0)
Please try to use OAuth authentication instead. For information on how to set this up and other connection options please see the following links:
