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I’ve got a History table with ± 16 million rows in PROD and ± 2.3 million rows in TEST. To increase loading times I tried to delete some columns of the table, first in TEST. Here I was able to successfully Deploy & Execute the History table with Differential + Managed deployment, which finished in several minutes.

However, when I try the same procedure in PROD it keeps stuck on the step Deploy Valid Table Structure as shown below. I also tried to Deploy with Differential Deployment unchecked, but with no result. It just keeps loading forever.

Anybody an idea?


Hi @KCMT ,

could it be there are locking issues? I.e. the valid table in PROD is being read by other users/processes? It could also simply be a resource issue, but locking is good to check first.

Hi @KCMT did you get a chance to check for potential locking issues as suggested above? 
