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"Guard on execution" field location in repo database

  • 6 July 2023
  • 1 reply


Anyone know in what TX repo table I can find the field and value for “Guard on deployement” and “Guard on execution?

I know where the setting is in the UI, but need to look up the value in the repo db.

Best answer by Greg Lennox

The guard settings can be found in the “Guards” table, which includes the GuardObjectID that references which table the setting applies to. You can join that to the DataTables table on the DataTableID to eventually get the table name from the DataTables table. 

Guard settings also include valid from and valid to columns, so it may not be as clear to understand them in the repository database as they are in the UI.

As a word of caution then, please only use the UI to make any changes to the guard settings.

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  • Community Manager
  • 20 replies
  • Answer
  • July 7, 2023

The guard settings can be found in the “Guards” table, which includes the GuardObjectID that references which table the setting applies to. You can join that to the DataTables table on the DataTableID to eventually get the table name from the DataTables table. 

Guard settings also include valid from and valid to columns, so it may not be as clear to understand them in the repository database as they are in the UI.

As a word of caution then, please only use the UI to make any changes to the guard settings.


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