TimeXtender Version
I'm integrating 6 SQL databases/sources from the same ERP at the moment and want to set up incremental loading on my data source & DSA. I followed the basic steps but it seems like refreshing the incremental DSA tables takes way longer than a full load.
The ODX datasources incremental LOAD tasks from all 6 data sources finish under 60 seconds, but the DSA load for e.g. AP_Products table now takes almost 15 minutes, for ± 40.000 rows, against 3 minutes for a full load.
My Last modified DateTime column is ‘Date_Captured’ and is applied on the tables below. For all the 4 tables the PK's are set up.
In the DSA I included column ‘Source’ in every table, which represents DW_SourceCode, to the PK of the tables to have an unique identifier per row.
However, it looks like I'm doing something wrong or i’m missing a step, since it takes forever to refresh these DSA tables now