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I have a table which loads incremental in the ODX

In the datawarehouse the table is on Automatic and in simple mode.
The setting to keep fields up to date is off.

Will the incremental records from the ODX do inserts and updates, but update only on the fields with no transformations/lookups or will no updates be made at all when an updated existing record is retrieved from the source?

As we don’t have any transformations in that part I was hoping we could skip the RAW table and that records get updated if newer versions come by.
The documentation only mentions what the ‘keeping fields up to date’  does for lookup fields , transformation fields and so on, not what exactly happens when that box is not checked 

Dear @Roy V ,

An incremental load from source to Simple mode table will not have a RAW table.
Simple mode tables never have a RAW table. So what happens is that TX creates a query that get the data from the source which contains new and updated records, usually on someting like a modified date.

It wil check on the Primary key if these records allready exist. If so, the old records get updated from with the new data from the source and other records, the new records, will get inserted into the table.

If the box is unchecked nothing will happen with your look up fields. Which in this case makes extra sense as it is an simple mode table and you cannot have lookup or transformations in a simple mode table.

Hope this helps

= Daniel

Good to know an update on existing records also happens in simple mode in combination with an incremental load. Thanks for the response.

Sure thing!

You might want to check the settings for the deletion of records in the source.
I usually turn in on, as some records in some parts of the ERP will get deleted sometimes and you do want those to be deleted in your table as well. Or set it up as a soft delete so you can monitor which records are deleted. Then dont forget to filter later in the DSA or MDW OR when loading to you sementic layer / power BI as you dont want to report on deleted data.

Take care

= Daniel
