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Hi team, 

I have a table in a data-area that is filled by a single mapping set, in this case containing 7 tables. Because we discovered some differences between the fields we need from each table, I want to convert it to a normal mapping. 

I tried to do this via ‘Smart Synchronize’, but it is only working for fields that have not had a name change. In other words, when choosing to smart synchronize a single table onto a table with a mapping set, it seems to perform a ‘Synchronize (only existing fields)’ instead of looking at the name of the fields in the mapping. 

Is this expected behavior?

Kind regards,


Hi @andrew.gebhard 

I have tested this and for a table without mapping set, the table looks like this to begin with

I delete the name field and rename the ISVIRTUAL field to ISVIRTUAL2

I then try to do a smart synchronize, and this results in no changes (i.e. same fields and same mappings) 

If I do a normal synchronize

it adds the 2 fields (which were originally renamed)

I see the same behavior when I use mapping sets. I have the following table where I have setup a mapping set, once again I renamed my ISVIRTUAL field to ISVIRTUAL2 and removed the name field.

When I do a smart synchronize, no fields are added to the table, but a new mapping is added to the field with the same name as the original name (i.e. ID field)

When I do a normal synchronize, the mapping for the existing field ID is added and the 2 original fields (NAME, and ISVIRTUAL). Please note that this is a normal mapping and not a mapping set mapping. 

Therefore please try a “normal” synchronize to convert the mapping set to normal mappings.

@andrew.gebhard did you get a chance to try a “normal” synchronize to convert the mapping set to normal mappings?

Hi Andrew, 

I often use a staging area between ODX server and DSA where you simple add your tables from mappings and/or mapping sets without any changes to fields.  

In case something changes in the way the source is set up or your initial setup in DSA is not your preferred choise anymore, you can simply drag and drop using any synchronize you want. In DSA you then further transform and rename anything you like. 
